
Showing posts from May, 2024

Elven Maid Inn: Tales from the Tavern Magazine Issue #1 Review - RIB01

Elven Maid Inn: Tales from the Tavern Magazine Issue #1 Review TLDR: If you are a fan of the tabletop hobby sphere, especially centered around fantasy, there’s no reason not to check this out, it’s great.          Tales from the Tavern  is a new magazine from the Elven Maid Inn, an amazing voice in the TTRPG community who I have seen many times over on X ( @elvenmaidinn ). When they announced this project I initially felt an unreasonable sense of joy. One of the things I love most about the tabletop gaming community are the informative magazines of old such as Dungeon , Dragon , and even White Dwarf before GW decided to narrow its focus.         One of the best things about this project is that, at least for this initial issue, the title is PWYW over on DTRPG  for the PDF. I am pretty sure that softcover and hardcover versions are being made available but at the time of writing these aren’t up on DTRPG, the issue is also available over on Amazon .         Aside from the friendly face s